Saturday, August 2, 2003

You! On The TV!

Thursday afternoon. I'm at home flipping channels when I come across "A Dating Story" on TLC. And since I get perverse pleasure out of watching people who aren't me ad-lib their way through potentially disastrous social situations, I sat back and watched. For those unfamiliar with the premise, two singles (sometimes with the help of a mutual friend) get set up on a blind date, usually doing something interesting that normal people wouldn't think of. Anyway, they introduce the players at the top of the show, and I'm kind of half-watching when they bring up the girl.

This girl looks familiar.

A few minutes in, and it dawns on me: I took a Poli Sci class in college with this woman. The hair's been cut, but the age is about right and I've never met anyone who looks quite like her.

Is this how it's gonna be from now on? Is reality television going to be the vehicle through which we are re-introduced to dimly familiar faces? And why stop at people you barely know? Why not that uncle you thought was still in prison? Or the kid who used to live down the street and was still eating paste in 10th grade? You'd hope your family and friends would let you in on it or at least tell you if they were going to do something like this. I can only imagine what would be more awkward: being set up for a blind date, or sitting next to someone as this show comes on and seeing either you or them on it.

As for the show, Jill and her date went indoor rock climbing, then had lunch at the coffee shop owned by the guy who set them up. At the end of the show you find out what happened after the first date. Turns out there was a second date, but that was it...

...which means she might still be single. *wrings hands maniacally*

All right, I'll put the pipe down now.

Bucs-Jets from Tokyo LIVE on ESPN2. Yes, RIGHT NOW. But I won't spoil it 'cause I'm going to bed.

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