Saturday, August 2, 2003


They should really just give him that back. Either that or give him "Horn Dog" by Overseer. It works on multiple levels.


"Please allow me to introduce myself / I'm a man of wealth (HA!) and taste (double HA!) / I've been around for almost 29 years / Stole many a man's soul and faith" Wait, I've never stolen anything in my life. Scratch that shizazz.

Seriously. If you don't know me or are just here for the first time, I'm Matt, I'm a follower, and I'm also a terrible procrastinator. This seems to be the tren-DAY thing to do these days, and, as is my wont, I'm late to jump on board.

My plans for this space? I don't know yet. I'm not convinced my life's interesting enough to give you daily blow-by-blow accounts, so I may throw in some random rants and raves, or just think out loud if something's on my mind. Basically, whenever my brain needs to drain the lizard, this is where it'll go.

Let's see, what else to say... well, I live in New Jersey. I work as a sports copy editor at a newspaper. I'm a fan of most sports and most music, as well as the Professional Wrestling. I turn 29 this month (!) and am an only child of parents who have been married 31 years. And I'm sure I can better organize all of this later.

Get in and buckle your ass up.

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