Monday, August 4, 2003

Thanks... I Think...

So Butch and Chaz have both linked my blog in the space of 48 hours. Good for them. But Butch gave mine the tag "The Basketball Diaries" while Chaz called it "Like The Basketball."

Cute, guys. Really hilarious.

I guess I should explain. My last name?


That's S-P-A-U-L-D-I-N-G.

COMPLETELY unrelated to the sporting goods company. Or, former sporting goods company, I should say.

As you can guess, I've been cursed with the obvious jokes since I first learned to recognize the spoken word. I've heard the joke approximately 56,291,784 times, give or take a few. In my younger, more hypersensitive days, I'd get annoyed and constantly correct people on the spelling of my name. As I got older, I'd question people as to how, if I was in any way connected to the company, I wasn't completely and disgustingly loaded. The worst part about it is probably that my usually witty self hasn't been able to come up with a comeback that doesn't completely suck. The best I've ever been able to do is, "Those S.O.B.'s have been spelling it wrong for years."

It probably wouldn't surprise you to know that my parents get the name misspelled on mail and semi-important documents all the time. I've found that it doesn't happen to me as much now that I'm living on my own (they tend to drop a 't' from Matthew more often, it seems), but it's always been a hangup, albeit a minor one these days. The joke's dead, people. DEAD. Deader than... uh... something that's very much dead.

So now you know. Get your shots in now, people. You only get one chance.

And for God's sake, make it a good one.

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