Saturday, December 31, 2005

Big In 2005

Favorite (and only) new movie I saw: The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

Most Telling Exchange of the Year: Reporter: "What exactly have you done for Terrell (Owens) besides get him kicked off the team?" Drew Rosenhaus: "Next question."

Man of the Year: Brad Pitt. Hitting both ends of the spectrum in the same calendar year? That doesn't just happen, people.

Most Underappreciated Television Moment: Mike Myers's follow-up to Kanye West's "George Bush doesn't care about black people" rant. "Unsubtle."

Second-Best Television Moment: Tim Russert grilling Homeland Security director Michael Chertoff like a New York strip steak

Biggest Grapefruits: Joe Hachem, for calling a pre-flop raise with 7-3 offsuit and winning the hand and the 2005 World Series of Poker main event

Trend I'm Most Sick Of: This whole "combining the first names of celebrity couples" phenomenon

Sex Symbol of 2005: Well, it's gotta be Jessica Alba, right?

I'm Totally Obsessed With: Melina. And getting out of debt.

People I'm Glad I Wasn't: 1. Michael Brown; 2. Donovan McNabb; 3. Judy Miller; 4. Tom DeLay; 5. Drew Rosenhaus

Bitch of the Year: Katrina

Best Song I Downloaded This Year: Kanye West feat. Jamie Foxx - "Gold Digger"

Biggest Fall: Lindsay Lohan (barely edging out Terrell Owens)

Best Unexpected Verbal Smackdown: Pamela Anderson on Paris Hilton

Underrated Hottie: Kathryn Morris

Most Pleasant Surprise: The new NHL. Hockey's watchable again.

Biggest Regret: Missing "Taradise". Watching this questionably attractive and borderline insane woman tool around the planet with her infinitely hotter friends (Natasha~) and damn near kill herself every week? That's entertainment, people. Even if you only see 10 minutes of it like I did.

What I'm Doing After I Post This: *looks around apartment* At least I have cake.

Unanswered Question Of 2005: I still don't know what a "hollaback girl" is

First Burning Question for 2006: Was there really an outcry for a sequel to Underworld?

Train Wreck Waiting To Happen: It's a tie between Ellen Finds a Man for Tara Reid and Mets fans when the Braves win the NL East... AGAIN

Ambition for 2006: Oh, there's plenty. New job, new apartment. Start the novel, work on my poker skills. Girlfriend? Who can say.

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