Thursday, November 20, 2003

I Jump Off The Hook And Jacko Takes My Place

Went back to the doctor today.

Everything's fine.

I'll probably be on the medicine for another three months at least, but that's a piece of cake - the doctor just wants to make sure that whatever caused it is completely killed off. But there's no diabetes to worry about, and I don't know how I would've dealt with it if I had.

And while I was AT the doctor's office... Michael Jackson gave it up.

Here's my favorite line in the whole story: " face charges that could destroy the pop star's career and send him to prison for years." WHAT career? This has been the only thing keeping him in the news for the past eight years!

And should I be concerned that Celebrity Justice is the number two source for breaking information on this?

And leave it to FOX News (YOUR source for evil) to find some yahoo who completely misses the point. Dayside was on in the waiting room and somebody in the audience actually blamed the liberal media for "making excuses for this guy" for the last 10 years instead of getting to the bottom of this.

A college friend of mine used to say, "I weep for the future." Fuck that. I weep for the present.

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