Thursday, September 28, 2006

Redirected Outrage

The latest Terrell Owens drama bomb has me pissed off.

But not for the reasons you'd think.

It's been about 24 hours now since the story broke nationally. In that time, Owens has been wheeled into the emergency room, treated for a reaction to painkillers, apparently told police he had attempted to commit suicide, been released, attended Cowboys practice, and held a press conference.

Why the hell isn't he still in the hospital?

Maybe it's just me, but if someone comes into the hospital groggy and reacting to medication, and I've just been told that he said he tried to kill himself, regardless of the state he's in, he's not leaving the hospital until he's fully evaluated.

And he's also not going anywhere near a football field, practice or otherwise, for at least a week.

(For the record, I don't believe it was a suicide attempt -- T.O. loves himself too much. I also don't believe he's thinking about trying to get out of coming back to Philadelphia in two weeks after he said he would definitely be there -- if he wanted to do that, there are much easier and less risky ways. Plus, we all know T.O. has no filter or sense of tact; he said he'd be back for the Eagles game and he meant it.)

Who made that call? How did he get out so quickly? Do the Cowboys have that much pull? And if they do, it's disgraceful, even if it turns out to be much ado about nothing.

And the hell of it is, I don't even like the guy.

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