Friday, October 24, 2003

Clearing The Decks

Went to the doctor yesterday afternoon to get this skin irritation looked at that's been bothering me for a while. (I called to make the appointment a month ago, and this was the earliest doc who was available.) Now I've gotta get blood work done this morning - he asked me a couple times if I was diabetic, and Mom told me later that diabetes is usually detected via an infection of some kind, usually yeast in women. She's been an RN for 25 years. She knows this.

The big deal here is that I have to fast beforehand, but I didn't know for how long and (because I'm an IDIOT, see) didn't think to ask. By the time I get up and get it done this morning, I won't have eaten anything for... about 18 hours by then. I had some hot dogs before the appointment, and that's it. I found out from Mom later that I could have eaten something else, but I didn't want to risk it. Stupid me.

So what was dumber: not eating, or going grocery shopping right after leaving the doctor's office?

If Joe doesn't come back on AIM soon I'm going to bed.

Never mind... Rob's gonna bug me for a while.

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