Wednesday, September 24, 2003

"I Don't Know What You Heard About Me..."

So last night we had a little going-away get-together at the bar for two of our part-timers. Tom's going to a full-time position at an area weekly, while Nancy's going to be a part-time photographer at another daily.

I didn't actually get to the bar until 1:30 because I left something out of the paper. Don't worry, it got in. Got to the bar, and Tom and his girlfriend are there, along with Shaun (who used to work for us and may be coming back), Charles, and Nancy with her boyfriend (So much for that. Ah, the story of my life. But that's another post).

I grabbed a seat and had my usual rum and Coke (what's odd is that I don't drink Coke straight) and we all shot the shit for a while. I've had this running gag on Nancy for a few months that started with a cold she had for about six weeks over the summer. She'd go into these coughing fits that lasted upwards of a minute, and after a while I'd pretend to get fed up and make a snide comment like "Come on now" or, "You know what? That's enough." I even threatened to buy her a bag of cough drops (and DID) if she kept it up.

Sooooo... at about 2:30, Nancy and the boyfriend (Matt? I think. That's becoming a trend with female friends of mine) got up to leave. She said her goodbyes and shook all of our hands, then i stood up and said I had something for her. I reached into my jacket pocket and pulled out...

...a bag of cough drops. Tossed them right onto the table. Everyone broke up laughing, mostly from the absurdity of me giving her cough drops as a going-away present, but Nancy's the only one who actually got the joke. She even thanked me and gave me a hug.

That's right - a bag of cherry flavored Hall's upgraded me from a handshake to a hug. "Big pimpin', spendin' cheese / We doin' / big pimpin', on B.L.A.D.'s..."

Hey, I take what I can get.

Later today I'll post the NFL Week 3 roundup and the next Illinois-Chicago diary. Both posts will be proverbial doozies.

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