Thursday, September 18, 2003


And here IS that post I was working on before I was so rudely interrupted.

I'm not a morning person. Never have been. Partly because of my job, partly because of my nature. So you can imagine my joy when I realized that it was time for my driver's license to be renewed. That means a trip to everybody's fourth circle of Hell, the Department of Motor Vehicles. On top of that, New Jersey has instituted some new identification regulations, no doubt somewhat inspired by 9-11. Coming soon to a state near you, I'm sure. So I had to go home Wednesday and get my birth certificate. (Aside: Mom's not sure what she's more sick of hearing about: Isabel or J-Lo & Ben.)

Back to today. Gather my paperwork, spend 15 minutes looking for my keys, and I'm off at 7:40 a.m. A.M! This... this is a FUCK! The agency, as all DMVs are, is in a corner of a strip mall. I park, stopping to let a woman in a miniskirt cross the drive in front of me. Remember her.

I walk in and give my papers to the woman at the reception desk, and she tells me that I've forgotten my proof of residence. DAMN IT. What about my insurance card, she asks. It's in the car. But as I'm running out to get it, I remember that the car's registered in my parents' name and at THEIR address. So I'm screwed.


For some reason I'd brought along the mail-in registration form - you know, the one they sent to MY apartment, so they KNOW where I live, but I digress - and I had that. She's not sure if they'll take it, so I go up to window 3 and give them everything. No problems. Suddenly I feel less safe.

So I sit and wait. If there's a less intimidating sight than a security guard in bandages, I don't know what it is. My name gets called, and it's photo time - The woman behind the camera asks me if I'm ready, and as I say "yes" she takes the picture. I'm not sure what would have happened if I'd said "no." The picture shockingly came out as well as driver's license pictures come out; I was sure that I'd have that fish mouth going because I'd opened my mouth to speak as she took the pic. I got my new license and left.

Oh, and the miniskirted woman who crossed in front of me? Got in before I did, was at the desk before I was, and she hadn't moved by the time I was up, snapped, and out.

Lucky me, I guess.

Afterwards, I had a McGriddle. While I give them points for the concept, it's too sweet and all of those flavors really weren't meant to be tasted all at the same time.

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