Tuesday, August 3, 2004

Bad Things, Man... Bad Things

OK, it must just be something about this time of year that causes this shit.

Yesterday I did a load of whites and I put them in the dryer and turned it on... only for the knob to snap off in my hand. I'm standing there with this blank look on my face and a knob from a dryer in my hand. Can you imagine what that looks like?

So I get on the phone with my landlord and we brainstorm, trying to think of who specifically to call to get it fixed. He says he'll get back to me. In the meantime, I've got a basket full of wet clothes, and I'm out of socks.

But of course, that wasn't enough.

Today I lost my checkbook.

I have no idea how this happened. Nobody broke in; I was off all last week and therefore out of the house even less often than usual; I never leave the house with it (and, in fact, would support legislation banning the use of paper checks as payment in public places); I'm utterly clueless as to how this happened. The only thing I can think of is that I accidentally threw it out when I cleaned the apartment last week.

So I call the bank, and after getting disconnected once, I get through. They freeze my account, and I have to go and open a new one and get new checks and all of that chewy goodness.

The worst part about it is I now have to ask my parents for money so I can cover my bills this month. I swore I would never allow myself to end up in that position. So much for that.

At this rate, I won't have to worry about turning 30. I'll be fucking dead by the weekend.

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