Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Big In 2007

Blog Post of the Year (Home Team): Out and Back: Roy Rogers

Blog Post of the Year (Offshore): Better Off Dead: A Look Back (includes special '67 Camaro-related bonus link)

Culinary Revolution: Freshly ground pepper has done nothing less than change my life. You think I'm kidding.

Worst Case For a Pay Raise: L.J. Smith. (This was Andruw Jones in a walk through the end of November but my God. Plus, Andruw actually took a pay cut in the first year of his deal with the Dodgers if you don't count his signing bonus.)

Underrated Hottie: Rachael Taylor

Just Because: The New York Knicks

R.I.P.: Bite-size croutons. Seriously, what happened?

People I'm Glad I Wasn't: 1. Michael Vick; 2. Alberto Gonzales; 3. Barry Bonds; 4-28. The 2007 New York Mets; 29. Carlos Mencia; 30. Bill Gazes

Slightly Dirty Feeling: The Allison Stokke blowup

I've Seen Just About Enough Of: 2girls1cup. And by "just about enough", I mean "I haven't seen any of it, and if I were to see any of it, even by accident, it would be entirely too much."

I've Seen Entirely Too Much Of: This business

Best Unprintable Line: "The only person that choked worse than Tony Romo this week was Saddam Hussein." (after the Seattle playoff loss)

Best Sex I've Had This Year: chokes on own hysterical laughter

Formerly The Lindsay Lohan Fall From Grace Of The Year: Britney Spears, who finished off such a massive tumble that we're putting her name back on this award. (The Miami Heat are a distant second.) And in a related matter...

Most Unexpected Development: Kevin Federline as acceptable father figure

Things It Doesn't Get Much Better Than: This

Ambition For 2008: New wheels. More "Out and Backs". Also, I feel a full investigation into what exactly "giving someone the business" entails is in order

Commercial of the Year: "The story ends with me puttin' him in the wall."

Bold Prediction For 2008: T-Pain moves on to the coat check girl

Now playing: Offspring, The - Original Prankster
via FoxyTunes

1 comment:

Butch Rosser said...

How did "Ike 'Beats' Tina To Death" not get Misleading Headline!?