Thursday, May 6, 2004



My reporter friend Maddie broke this story on Monday. Since then, it's snowballed into a national story. And it's literally everywhere. It was in the first segment of PTI yesterday (Tony wanted the coach fired, I think, while Mike wanted the kid's father to "go caveman" on his ass), and it got about 90 seconds on Tough Crowd.

It's bad enough that this moron coach went out and did this in the first place. But what's even worse, I think, is that he called the kid's house to make sure he showed up at the awards banquet.

Think about that. Essentially, he set him up.

Completely destroying the trust a child should have for an authority figure in the process, to say nothing of the obvious humiliation the kid feels/felt. This jackhole was a coach? And teaching Special Ed students? I don't care if the kid was a "crybaby" or not, if you're a coach - ESPECIALLY if you're a coach - You. Do. Not. Do. This. Anyone who's this insensitive to kids doesn't need to be teaching anyone. Fire his ass.

And don't think I'm not also aware of the sociological issues of black youths and the need for positive father figures and male role models that this brings up. I'm simply not qualified to discuss them with any authority. But I will say thank God this kid's father had the good sense to be outraged and say, "That's some bullshit" and spoken up about this and gotten it publicized. I wouldn't have blamed him if he'd kicked the coach's ass. I'm not sure I could have stopped myself from kicking the coach's ass if I was in his position, and I'm the least violent person I know. My dad would've kicked the coach's ass. Assuming he got to him before my mom did.

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