Wednesday, March 24, 2004

Kick Out The Suits, Kick In The Jams

If we learn nothing else from this year's NCAA Tournament, we've learned this: We now know what was holding Vanderbilt sports back all these years.



I've come to the decision that Gonzaga just doesn't play well as a favorite. I don't know what causes it or what it means.

I'm feeling quite foolish right now for ripping on Alabama.

UAB, not UIC. Clearly, I went the wrong way there. Great ending sequence, though: not too many fouls, just guys going out and making shots. Gotta love it.

Now, to the Thread aPa/tSC Yahoo! pool I'm doing. Matt and Charlie are tied for the lead. I'm in a five-way tie for seventh with Chris, Nate, Wade and Max. It's a USFLaPa reunion! My St. Louis region is in ruins (and, I imagine, so are most everyone's). Chris actually didn't have Kentucky going to the Final Four... of course, he did have Gonzaga and Stanford.

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