Thursday, March 4, 2004

The Ad Game

This was going to go with the last post but I decided it deserved its own.

Current commercials I dig:

- the new American Express ad with Tiger Woods as Carl Spackler from Caddyshack

- the truck ad with the one guy singing along to Shania Twain's "Feel Like A Woman"

- the new Nike commercial with Randy Johnson bowling, Lance Armstrong boxing, etc.

- the Scottish parade Sierra Mist ad that premiered at the Super Bowl ("That's just wrong, Dad."~~~~)

I've not yet seen the Chef Boyardee ad Easy wrote about but I imagine I'd be suitably frightened.

And I guess it's cheaper to just buy one national TV advertisement than a bunch of regional ones. When I worked in Trenton, Sonic ads would show up in the local spots. The closest Sonic to Jersey is in Virginia Beach. Virginia Beach! I also thought I saw a Carl's Jr. ad last week. You know where the closest Carl's Jr. to here is? OKLAHOMA.

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