Wednesday, February 25, 2004

All Cashed Out

Hey, remember that poker challenge I was in a couple months ago?

Yeah, I finally went bust.

By the time the actual challenge was over, I had about $30 or so of the original $50 I was spotted, and I kept playing on-and-off until I finally ran out of money last week. I did learn a few things, though:

- I'm somewhat better at Omaha than Texas Hold 'Em;

- I tend to fall into the common trap of trying to win back a bad beat right away;

- I shouldn't play for more than 20-30 minutes at a time, because after that, I pretty much stop getting playable cards.

In other financial news, the Magic card collection sold for $54. My mistake was probably setting the minimum at $50. I didn't get any bids until there were less than two days left in the auction. I was beginning to hope nobody bid so I could relist it at a lower price and get some interest.

Oh well. At least they're gone.

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