Wednesday, February 2, 2005

Forgive Me, I'm New Here

I want the Super Bowl to start.

And when I say that, I don't mean that in the sense that I'm so excited that I can't wait for the game to start, even though that's true. I mean that in the sense that I want the game to start because I can't take any more of people talking about the game.

I couldn't figure out why at first. It's not the two weeks between the championship games and the Super Bowl that's doing this, because we've had a ton of those before and I've never had this problem. Well, I shouldn't say that. It's never been this bad, is probably what I really mean.

In a way, I think it's my job. When you're literally swimming in sports for eight hours a day like I am, you read and see everything. You're inundated. You're exposed to so much information and analysis you feel like you know everything and nothing at the same time. If that's possible. And then it all starts running together. I'm not a big pre-game guy anyway, and this has been like a two-week long pre-game show.

But mostly it's because the Eagles are in it. So I can't get away from it. You have to remember it's been 24 years. I don't remember when they were there the last time. I work with people who hadn't even been born the last time. So I feel like I need to keep up and be informed with all of this stuff even though I can't take any more of it. It's too much and yet it's not enough.

Having said all that, I'll have my analysis later in the week. Let's just say that some of the predictions I've been seeing and hearing are downright ludicrous. And I'm not saying that just because I'm biased.

1 comment:

Johnny B said...

I feel you there.

When I was at the Journal, it got to the point where watching ESPN at home was a chore.

I can't imagine how I would handle it if the Hawks were there. I might go insane.