Saturday, June 5, 2004

Radical Adjustments

So one thing that's been throwing me off recently is my work schedule getting changed. I now have Thursday-Friday off, the first time it hasn't been Wednesday-Thursday in at least four years, going all the way back to when I worked in Trenton.

The reason for this is that I've been put in charge of designing our Fishing & Boating pages. I know nothing about fishing. Or boating. But I don't necessarily have to. It runs on Thursdays, hence my new need to work Wednesdays. You see how it goes.

It's quite strange. I'd imagine people who work regular hours don't have this problem. But my whole routine's been torn asunder just with a one-day shift to the right. The big thing is just remembering the change - to not loaf around on Wednesday afternoons because I gotta go to work now. Sleeping and eating are also affected, and I should really get around to changing the vacation time I already put in for.

And OMG. Friday night's a TV WASTELAND. Praise Jebus for the $40 a Day double-shot (watching Rachael Ray for an hour straight is a Good Thing in my world) that gets me to the early late news, then Iron Chef at 11.

Discussing this with my mom last night (there was something of a disaster at the house; the upstairs toilet broke and flooded the kitchen DOWNstairs, killing the light and damaging the floor/ceiling, as well as shorting out the alarm), she offered that now with Fridays off, I may actually be able to have *gasp* a social life.

Yeah, that's becoming an issue.


Butch Rosser said...

At least you have a steady schedule; you know how unbelievably hard it is to plan shit when you work different days every week and you get a schedule a week in advance (sometimes less if you're not working Saturdays)?

Also, Rachael Ray + mechanical bull = RATINGZ.

Matt said...

Yeah, that's what my Wal-Mart Summer was like, but worse: The next week's schedule was supposed to go up 2-3 days in advance, but it often didn't, so I'd invariably have to get up at 6 or so and call in to see if I was working. God help them if I had to help open. Bastards.

I'm torn between the mechanical bull and the hula hoop (Milwaukee), myself. And GET OFF MY KOOL-AID.

Butch Rosser said...

Matt said...

Already got it.